tweens & teens
During expressive and experiential activities a person is able to process information and manage solutions.
While involved in art and of other activities, there is often a safe space from the problem where a different, creative maybe unexpected solution may be explored. Activities that encourage creativity The act of creating visual images is a right-brain activity. The right brain is where visual memories are stored, as well as the area of the brain that is relied upon the most prior to the development of a person’s ability to use spoken language.
Art and other expressive techniques may be used to help someone explore emotions, express themselves, relieve stress, encourage creative thinking, boost self-esteem, and provides a sense of accomplishment. Art may act as an expressive language of the conscious and the unconscious mind.
Sandtray is another expressive therapy which allows the client (children, teens &/or adults) the freedom to explore and relate without relying exclusively on words. Sandtray translates personal experience into a concrete, three-dimensional form. As a picture can say more than a thousand words, a figure or scene can express feelings, emotions and conflicts that previously had no verbal language.
Sandtray participants create a story or picture by arranging miniatures, people, animals, symbols, etc., in a small table-top sand tray. Sandtray is a non-invasive therapeutic method that works especially well with individuals who are young or have trouble comprehending and talking about difficult issues such as domestic abuse or child abuse, incest, or the death of a family member.
Art, Activity and Sandtray may also be appropriate for children and families.