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Julie is trained to perform 3 types of therapeutic modalities, all centered around the power of play; CCPT, EMDR, and Sand Tray therapy 


Play Therapy utilizes play, as a children's natural medium of expression, to help them express their feelings more easily with toys instead of words.


Child-Centerd Play Therapy (CCPT): CCPT differs from regular play in that the therapist is trained to asses and understand the child's play. Then the therapist supports and helps the child to address & resolve her own problems. Using Play Therapy, children may learn to express and regulate feelings, build relationships and communicate with others. During play children may develop and practice age appropriate problem-solving and coping skills. Play provides a safe psychological distance from their problems and allows expression of thoughts and feelings appropriate to their development.

Play therapy helps children:

  • Become more responsible for behaviors and develop more successful strategies.

  • Develop new and creative solutions to problems.

  • Develop respect and acceptance of self and others.

  • Learn to experience and express emotion.

  • Cultivate empathy and respect for thoughts and feelings of others.

  • Learn new social skills and relational skills with family.

  • Develop self-efficacy and thus a better absurdness about their abilities.



Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is an evidence based, highly effective treatment modality for processing trauma. It has been extremely effective in the treatment of PTSD, phobias, anxiety, depression, ect. As a trained practitioner in play-based EMDR, Julie can provide an effective, developmentally appropriate intervention specifically for trauma processing for children and teens in the play room. 

EMDR consists of repetative movement in the body from on one side of the both to the other, back and forth. This movement stimulates the brain in an effective way that encourages the brain to process traumatic memories and decreases the brains emotional response to triggers. This movement style, paired with the effectiveness of a play room and a trained practitioner can allow for children and teens to process trauma in a safe and inviting environment.

Sand Tray:

Sandtray is an expressive therapy which allows the client (children, teens &/or adults) the freedom to explore and relate without relying exclusively on words. Sandtray translates personal experience into a concrete, three-dimensional form. As a picture can say more than a thousand words, a figure or scene can express feelings, emotions and conflicts that previously had no verbal language.

Sandtray participants create a story or picture by arranging miniatures, people, animals, symbols, etc., in a small table-top sand tray. Sandtray is a non-invasive therapeutic method that works especially well with individuals who are young or have trouble comprehending and talking about difficult issues such as domestic abuse or child abuse, incest, or the death of a family member.


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